Astrophysicist and Creator of Volitional Science
As a Galambos graduate and book purchaser I am very disappointed that the remaining volumes of Sic Itur Ad Astra (SIAA) not been published. In 2013 I decided to see what I could find out about FEI’s plans, and when I went to their website I saw that some of the courses could be listened to online. In particular I saw that V-201, the missing part of SIAA, was available. I decided to enroll and listen to Professor Galambos deliver it once again, with the thought that I might understand it better and get more out of it than I had when I took it more than 30 years earlier. My thinking was that the trustees seemed unlikely to publish, and this would be the next best thing to having the book. Besides, I always enjoyed listening to Galambos.
My assumption was that FEI would welcome me back as a paying customer and that enrolling would be easy. I was wrong on both counts. The staffers, although superficially courteous and professional, treated me as people do when they have adopted a bunker mentality. For example, my innocent inquiry as to who still worked at FEI, done in the spirit of a returning customer asking something like, “Is Joe still around?” was met with this written reply: “We cannot comprehend why you presume it appropriate to ask for such information.” Whoa!
Further, I was required to fill out a questionnaire that many would consider overly invasive, and was told that I’d have to begin with V-50 all over again. The requirement was that I would have to be tested at intervals during the course, because they couldn't be sure that I had understood it the first time. The essay-type questions were to be graded by Cheryl Cerell, a trustee. That she would have the time to do this was just one of many signs that enrollments were few.
I was also told that a letter had been sent to all FEI customers in 2009, and that it had brought everyone up to date on publication. I had moved in 2005 and hadn’t notified FEI of my change of address, so had not received it. I asked for and received a copy of Wayne Joyner’s May 20, 2009 “Open Letter to All FEI/AJG Market Participants.” Please click the button to read it before proceeding further.
Having already read the lawsuit documents, and now Joyner’s Open Letter, it was clear that the trustees were claiming to occupy he moral high ground. They positioned themselves as the holders and defenders of Galambos’ primary property and the controllers of access to it. According to the letter they had defeated their enemies (Galambos' real friends), and things were going great. However, the letter was disingenuous in the extreme. I believe that recipients would not have had the slightest idea that anything was wrong, and those who purchased books would not have realized that the trustees had intentionally and secretly reneged on the book contract. I kept those conclusions to myself for the time being so I could take the course, but ultimately conveyed them to Joyner in my letter of June 28, 2014.
The online versions of the courses bear the designation “DD” for “digital distribution,” and I was enrolled in V-50DD. What follows is a series of letters between me and trustee Wayne Joyner, triggered by what I was surprised to find while taking the course. What I saw in V-50DD were errors that anyone with a basic knowledge of Galambos should not have made, and yet the people who claim to have a great understanding had made them. Furthermore, they attempted to alter history, a gross violation of what Galambos taught. I wrote to Joyner on February 4, 2014 to tell him of these things.
“Joyner” responded on March 21, 2014. (I have put “Joyner” in quotes because I and others believe that the letter was largely, if not entirely, written by Peter Giansante for Joyner’s signature.) You’ll see that “Joyner,” taking Giansante’s known position, blames my complaints on my alleged lack of understanding of what Galambos taught about publication of his ideas. Please note that he offers no explanation of why the trustees themselves, at that time Joyner and Hayes, had the same lack of understanding when they published Volume One. This letter from "Joyner" is not a letter written from the perspective of a man criticizing himself for that supposed failure, but from the perspective of a third person (likely Giansante) criticizing what trustees Joyner and Hayes had done by publishing Volume One.
In addition, my 2-4-2014 letter pointed out errors in the V-50DD slides. These were errors that an average Galambos student should spot, yet they were made by people who claim that their understanding of Galambos is so deep that they are qualified to control access to it. They feel justified in keeping the Professor’s ideas off the market, and in violating a contract in order to do so. The screen credits for V-50DD list Peter Giansante in several roles, including the top one, Producer. Whether or not he personally made the errors (and I suspect that he did) he was responsible for them. In any event, the reaction to my pointing them out was not that of someone who was thankful to be told about them so that they could be corrected and the product improved, but of someone who had been personally stung by the criticism. You’ll see that “Joyner” even tries to turn things around by blaming me and, to an extent, Galambos himself, for the errors. As those who worked closely with Galambos will attest, had they made similar errors Galambos would have been furious and would never have accepted such excuses.
In the above two letters between me and Joyner, among other things I complained about the deletion of Jay Snelson's name from V-50DD. Joyner defended the action. The truth was that Snelson was not the only Galambos colleague that the trustees chose to delete.
The above has established the context for the exchange of letters that follows, which speak for themselves.
Having seen no evidence of movement toward publication, I demanded my right to arbitrate the dispute as provided for in the book contract.
In my letter of March 26, 2016 I advised Mr. Joyner that if there was no response I would take other steps to resolve the matter. He did not respond and the creation of this website is one of those steps. I urge all book buyers to contact me and to make their opinions known to the trustees. Demand your book. Demand arbitration.